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Variant Vector To String Vector Function
Array Conversions Class

Public Function VariantVectorToStringVector( _
      ByRef rTo() As String _
    , ByRef vFm() As Variant _
    ) As Boolean

Convert a Variant vector into a String vector.
Copies each of the elements of a one-dimensional Variant array into a one-dimensional array of String values.

       Static avarNames(0 To 2) As Variant
       avarNames(1) = "Car"
       Dim astrNames() As String
    for example
       VariantVectorToStringVector(astrNames(), avarNames()) = True
       LBound(astrNames) = 0
       UBound(astrNames) = 2
       astrNames(0) = ""
       astrNames(1) = "Car"
       astrNames(2) = ""
See also:
    StringVectorToVariantVector Function (inverse)
    VariantToString Function (fix-up rules)
    VariantMatrixToStringMatrix Function
rTo: Dynamic array of Strings that will be dimensioned with one dimension before it receives copy of each of the elements in vFm.
vFm: One-dimensional array of Variant values that will be copied to array rTo.
Return value: Function currently always returns True.

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