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Copy Variant Matrix Function
Array Manipulations Class

Public Function CopyVariantMatrix( _
      ByRef rTo() As Variant _
    , ByRef vFm() As Variant _
    ) As Boolean

Copy a two-dimensional Variant array to another Variant array.

          rTo                    vFm
    +----+----+----+       +----+----+----+
    | 12 | 34 | WV |  <--  | 12 | 34 | WV |
    +----+----+----+       +----+----+----+
    | 21 | 43 | CA |       | 21 | 43 | CA |
    +----+----+----+       +----+----+----+
       Static avarIn(0 To 45, 0 To 12) As Variant
       avarIn(1, 1) = "Smith"
       Dim avarOut() As Variant
    for example
       CopyVariantMatrix(avarOut(), avarIn()) = True
See also:
    CopyVariantMatrixDirect Function (direct-copy version)
    CopyVariantArray Function (more flexible version)
    CopyVariantVector Function (for one-dimensional arrays)
    CopyVariantCube Function (for three-dimensional arrays)
rTo: Destination array that will receive a copy of array vFm. This function will attempt to re-dimension rTo so that it has the same dimensions as vFm. It will ignore errors during that re-dimension so that rTo can be a Static array. If rTo is Static, it must be two-dimensional and have the same upper and lower bounds as vFm.
vFm: The two-dimensional array of Variants that will be copied to rTo. vFm can be either Static or dynamic. If vFm is dynamic, it must be dimensioned before being passed to this function.
Note: Function makes a temporary copy of the source array so that rTo and vFm can be the same.
Return value: Function currently returns True in all cases.
v1.2 Change: Changed to allow rTo to be Static by making the function ignore errors that occur while re-dimensioning the destination array rTo.

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