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Set Bit In String Fast Function
Bitwise Class

Public Function SetBitInStringFast( _
      ByVal vString As String _
    , ByRef vBit As Long _
    , ByRef vValue As Boolean _
    ) As String

Set a bit within a binary string.
Bits range from 1 (one is the least-significant-bit) to the number of bits in the value.

    SetBitInStringFast(Chr$(255) + Chr$(255), 3, 0) = Chr$(251) + Chr$(255)
    SetBitInStringFast(Chr$(0) + Chr$(0), 3, 1) = Chr$(4) + Chr$(0)
See also:
    GetBitInStringFast Function
    SetBit Function
Note: This function is different from GetBit and SetBit because this one considers the first string character to represent the LEAST-significant-byte instead of the MOST-significant-byte.
vString: String in which one of the bits is to be set to either True or False.
vBit: The number of the bit whose value within string vValue is to be changed.
Note: This function assumes that vBit represents one of the bits within the string vString and its behavior will be unpredictable if that is not true.
vValue: The value to which the specified bit will be set.
Note: Function has restrictive argument types to avoid argument fix-up overhead.

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