Public Function DifferenceCharacters( _ ByVal vStringOne As Variant _ , ByVal vStringTwo As Variant _ ) As Variant
DifferenceCharacters("FFEEDDCCBBAA", "ABBCCC") = "DEF" DifferenceCharacters("AABBCC", "") = "ABC" DifferenceCharacters(EveryCharacter, "ABBCCC") = CharactersNotInString("ABBCCC")See also:
CharactersNotInString Function IntersectCharacters FunctionNote: Similar to the CharactersNotInString function except this function assumes that vStringOne will consists of all of the characters with ASCII values from 0 (zero) through 255.
vStringOne: String containing the characters of which the unique ones that do not also appear in vStringTwo will be copied to the result string. Function returns Null if vStringOne is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.
vStringTwo: String containing the characters which will be excluded from the result string. will be copied to the result string. Function returns Null if vStringTwo is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.
Note: Function uses the ASCII value of characters to determine if they match, which is in effect the same as using Binary comparisons.
Note: The characters in the result string are always returned in order by their ASCII value.
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