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Is Print Function
Character Types Class

Public Function IsPrint( _
    ByVal vCharCode As Integer _
    ) As Boolean

"Is Character Printable"
Return True if the character with ASCII value vCharCode is a "printable" character; return False otherwise.
The "print" classification includes alphanumeric (alphabetical and numeric), punctuation, and whitespace characters.
Combination of characters from the "graph" and "whitespace" classifications.

    IsPrint(Asc("C")) = True
    IsPrint(Asc("2")) = True
    IsPrint(Asc(" ")) = True
    IsPrint(Asc(vbLf)) = False
See also:
    IsGraph Function
    IsSpace Function
    CharTypePrint Property
vCharCode: Character whose ASCII value is checked to determine if it belongs to the "print" class.
Note: Function will generate a runtime error if vCharCode is not between 0 (zero) and 255 inclusive.

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