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Run Length Decode Length Function
Co Decs Class

Public Function RunLengthDecodeLength( _
      ByVal vValue As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vRLEChar As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Return the length of the decoded version of a run-length-encoded string.

    RunLengthDecodeLength("ABBCCC" + Chr$(255) + Chr$(4) + "D" + Chr$(255) + Chr$(5) + "E") = 15
    RunLengthDecodeLength("This is a test.") = 15
See also:
    RunLengthDecode Function
    RunLengthEncode Function
vValue: The run-length-encoded string whose decoded length is to be determined. Function returns Null if vValue is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.

vRLEChar: The character which introduces run-length codes within the string vValue. Note: Special argument fix-up code. If vRLEChar is a string, the ASCII value of the first character in the string is used as the run-length character. vRLEChar defaults to the character with ASCII value 255 if vRLEChar is an empty string.

If vRLEChar is numeric, then the character with that ASCII value is used as the run-length character.

vRLEChar defaults to the character with ASCII value 255 if vRLEChar is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to either a string or number.

Note: Run-length code strings are comprised of the run-length character, the character whose ASCII value is the repeat count, and the character being repeated.

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