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Make Integer Fast Function
Coerce Make Class

Public Function MakeIntegerFast( _
    ByVal vValue As Integer _
    ) As String

"Make String From Integer (Fast)" or "Coerce Integer To String (Fast)"
Coerce an Integer value into a 2-character string.
Return a two-character string containing the in-memory representation of the Integer value vValue.
Similar to coercing an integer value into character string in the C language.
Faster version of the MakeInteger function which has restrictive argument types (to avoid argument fix-up overhead).

    MakeIntegerFast(0) = Chr$(0) + Chr$(0)
    MakeIntegerFast(1) = Chr$(1) + Chr$(0)
    MakeIntegerFast(2) = Chr$(2) + Chr$(0)
    MakeIntegerFast(2.7) = Chr$(3) + Chr$(0)
    MakeIntegerFast(256) = Chr$(0) + Chr$(1)
    MakeIntegerFast(-1) = Chr$(255) + Chr$(255)
See also:
    MakeInteger Function
    CoerceToIntegerFast Function
    MakeVarType Function
    LOBYTE Function
    HIBYTE Function
vValue: The Integer value whose bytes are to be interpreted as a string.

Note: This function converts the string representation of the value to Unicode using the default code page of the system.
v1.3 Change: Removed 16-bit support from this function.

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