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Can Be Decimal Function
Comparisons Class

Public Function CanBeDecimal( _
    ByVal vValue As Variant _
    ) As Boolean

Determine if the argument can be converted to a Decimal value.

    CanBeDecimal(34) = True
    CanBeDecimal(1234.56) = True
    CanBeDecimal(#12/31/95#) = True
    CanBeDecimal("1") = True
    CanBeDecimal("A word.") = False
See also:
    CDecIgnErr Function
    CanBeCurrency Function
    CanBeDouble Function
    CanBeSingle Function
vValue: The argument which is checked to see if it can be converted to a Decimal value. Function returns True if vValue contains a numeric value, a date, or a numeric string value which is within the range of values supported by the Decimal data type. Function returns False otherwise, such as if vValue is out-of-range, Null, an error, or an object pointer.
v1.5 Addition: This function is new to version 1.5 of Entisoft Tools.

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