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Last Day Of Month Function
Dates Times Class

Public Function LastDayOfMonth( _
    ByVal vDate As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Returns the last day in the month given a date value.

    LastDayOfMonth(#01/15/96#) = #01/31/96#
    LastDayOfMonth(#12/01/96#) = #12/31/96#
    LastDayOfMonth(#12/31/96#) = #12/31/96#
    LastDayOfMonth(#02/01/96#) = #02/29/96#
See also:
    DaysInMonth Function
    FirstDayOfMonth Function
    LastBusinessDayOfMonth Function
vDate: The date whose month and year components are examined to determine the date of the last day of the month. Function returns Null if vDate is Null or cannot be fixed up to a Date.
v2.0 Change: This function has been renamed from EndOfMonth to LastDayOfMonth.

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