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Stack Push Sub
Deque Class

Public Sub StackPush( _
    ByVal vValue As Variant _

Add an item to the stack when the deque is being used as a stack.
Same as AddHead.

       Dim dqTemp As New Deque
    for example
       dqTemp.StackPush 12
       dqTemp.StackPush 23
       Dim varOne As Variant
       Dim varTwo As Variant
       dqTemp.StackPop varOne
       dqTemp.StackPop varTwo
       varOne = 23
       varTwo = 12
See also:
    StackPop Function
    AddHead Subroutine
    Stack Class
       Push Subroutine
vValue: Value that will be inserted into the stack. vValue can be any type of Variant value (vbString, numeric, vbDate, vbObject, vbArray, etc.).
    AddHead vValue
v1.3 BugFix: This Subroutine has been fixed to support the storage of Object and DataObject type Values.

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