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Checksum X File Function
File Operations Class

Public Function ChecksumXFile( _
    ByVal vFileName As Variant _
    ) As Variant

"Exclusive Or ("XOR") File 'Checksum'"
Generate a "checksum" by performing the Xor ("Exclusive Or") operation on each of the adjacent characters within a file.
Checksum is returned as a one-character string.
This is not really a "checksum" because that usually refers to sum of the ASCII values of the characters.

       ChecksumX("ABCD") = Chr$(4)
       StringToFile("ABCD", "C:\Test.Out") = True
    for example
       ChecksumXFile("C:\Test.Out") = Chr$(4)
See also:
    ChecksumX Function
    Checksum8File Function
vFileName: Name of the file for which the "checksum" will be calculated. Function returns Null if vFileName is Null or cannot be fixed-up to a string. Function returns Null if there is any type of error, such as when the file does not exist.
v1.1 Change: Function changed to return the checksum as a one-character String instead of an Integer in order to be consistent with the ChecksumX function.

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