Public Function FormatFileTable( _ ByVal vFileName As Variant _ , ByVal vColumnSeparator As Variant _ , ByVal vRowSeparator As Variant _ ) As Variant
? StringToFile("1|22|333" & vbCrLf & "This|is|a|test.", "Table.Tmp") True ? FileToString("Table.Tmp") 1|22|333 This|is|a|test. ? FormatFileTable("Table.Tmp", "|", vbCrLf) 1 |22|333| This|is|a |test.See also:
WrapFileLines Function FileToString Function StringToVariantMatrix Function FormatVariantMatrix FunctionvFileName: Name of the file containing the delimited text. Function returns Null if vFileName is Null or cannot be fixed-up to a String. Function also returns Null if the file does not exist or cannot be read.
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