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Left Justify Truncate Fill Fast Function
Formats Justifies Class

Public Function LeftJustifyTruncateFillFast( _
      ByRef vValue As String _
    , ByVal vWidth As Long _
    , ByRef vFillChar As String _
    ) As String

Left justify a string.
Undersized strings are right-padded to length vWidth with fill character vFillChar.
Oversized strings have their right side truncated to length vWidth.
Like the LeftJustifyTruncateFast function except this one uses a fill character other than space.
"Fast" function has restrictive argument types to avoid argument fix-up code.

    LeftJustifyTruncateFillFast("This is a test.", 20, "-") = "This is a test.-----"
    LeftJustifyTruncateFillFast("This is a test.", 10, "-") = "This is a "
See also:
    LeftJustifyFast Function
    LeftJustifyFillFast Function
    LeftJustifyTruncateFast Function
    RightJustifyTruncateFillFast Function
vValue: String which is to be left-justified.
vWidth: Length to which the string vValue will be right-filled or right-truncated.
vFillChar: String whose first character will be used to right-fill undersized vValue strings.

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