Public Function WrapEachCharacter( _ ByVal vValue As Variant _ , Optional ByVal vPrefix As Variant _ , Optional ByVal vSuffix As Variant _ ) As Variant
WrapEachCharacter("123", "B", "A") = "B1AB2AB3A" WrapEachCharacter("123", "_" + Chr$(8)) = "_" + Chr$(8) + "1_" + Chr$(8) + "2_" + Chr$(8) + "3"See also:
StringReplacements Class StringSearches ClassvValue: The strings whose characters are to each have some prefix and/or suffix string added to them. Function returns Null if vValue is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.
vPrefix: The string which should be added as a prefix to each of the characters in string vValue. vPrefix defaults to an empty string if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.
vSuffix: The string which should be added as a suffix to each of the characters in string vValue. vSuffix defaults to an empty string if it is missing or Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.
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