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Compare Property
Hash Table Class

Public Property Get Compare( _
    ) As VbCompareMethod

Get the current value of the Compare property.
The Compare property specifies the type of comparisons used to determine if string Keys match.

       Dim htTemp As New HashTable
       Dim vbcmCur As VbCompareMethod
    for example
       vbcmCur = htTemp.Compare
       vbcmCur = vbBinaryCompare
Return value: Type of comparisons used to determine if string Keys match.
See also:
    VbCompareMethod Enumeration (Visual Basic)

Public Property Let Compare( _
    ByVal vCompare As VbCompareMethod _

Set the current value of the Compare property.

       Dim htTemp As New HashTable
    for example
       htTemp.Compare = vbTextCompare
vCompare: Type of comparisons used to determine if string Keys match.
Note: The Compare property defaults to Binary comparisons (vbBinaryCompare) when new instances of this class are created.

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