Private Sub TextPlotAsteriskSample() ' Print a bunch of straight lines that all cross at the origin. ' They look something like the asterisk character when plotted. Const NUMS = 64 Dim avarNums() As Variant ReDim avarNums(0 To 2, 0 To NUMS * 16) Dim intOut As Integer Dim dblSlope As Double For dblSlope = -2.5 To 2.5 Step 1 Dim intX As Integer For intX = 1 To NUMS intOut = intOut + 1 avarNums(1, intOut) = CDbl(intX - NUMS / 2) avarNums(2, intOut) = CDbl(intX - NUMS / 2) * dblSlope Next intX Next dblSlope ReDim Preserve avarNums(LBound(avarNums, 1) To UBound(avarNums, 1), LBound(avarNums, 2) To intOut) Debug.Print Debug.Print TextPlot(avarNums(), Null, Null) End Sub
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