Math Geometry Class

Entisoft Tools 2.0 Object Library
Version 2.1 Build 208
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Declarations Section, MakePoint Function, MakeLine Function, LinesCounterClockwise Function, LinesIntersect Function, AreaCalc Function, VolumeCalc Function, CircleCalc Function, ConeCalc Function, CubeCalc Function, CylinderCalc Function, RectangleCalc Function, RectangularSolidCalc Function, RightTriangleCalc Function, SphereCalc Function, SquareCalc Function

Declarations Section
Make Point Function
Create a "point" value from two real numbers representing the X and Y coordinates of the point. The "point" value is used by the LinesCounterClockwise function.
Make Line Function
Create a "line (segment)" value from two pairs of real numbers. Each pair of numbers represents the X and Y coordinates of one of the points on the line segment.
Lines Counter Clockwise Function
Determine if two line segments which have point vPoint1 in common are clockwise, counter-clockwise, or straight.
Lines Intersect Function
Determine if two lines intersect each other.
Area Calc Function
"Area Calculator" Calculate the Area of some type of shape given certain other properties of the shape.
Volume Calc Function
"Volume Calculator" Calculate the Volume of some type of shape given certain other properties of the shape.
Circle Calc Function
"Circle Calculator" Calculate some property about circles given the value of some other property.
Cone Calc Function
"Cone Calculator" Calculate some property about cones given the value of two other properties (H & R/D/S or S & R/D).
Cube Calc Function
"Cube Calculator" Calculate some property about cubes given the value of some other property.
Cylinder Calc Function
"Cylinder Calculator" Calculate some property about cylinders given any two properties EXCEPT height/area and volume/area.
Rectangle Calc Function
"Rectangle Calculator" Calculate some property about rectangles given the value of two other properties.
Rectangular Solid Calc Function
"Rectangular Solid Calculator" Calculate some property about rectangular solids given the value of THREE other properties.
Right Triangle Calc Function
"Right Triangle Calculator" Calculate some property about right triangles given the value of two other properties.
Sphere Calc Function
"Sphere Calculator" Calculate some property about spheres given the value of some other property.
Square Calc Function
"Square Calculator" Calculate some property about squares given the value of some other property.

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