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Exponent Part Function
Math Reals Class

Public Function ExponentPart( _
    ByVal vX As Variant _
    ) As Variant

"Exponent Part Of Real Number"
Return the exponential part of a real number.

    ExponentPart(.00123) = -3
    ExponentPart(-.0123) = -2
    ExponentPart(.45) = -1
    ExponentPart(1.2) = 0
    ExponentPart(-1234) = 3
    ExponentPart(12345) = 4
    ExponentPart(1.23E4) = 4
See also:
    ExponentPartVerify Subroutine
    Mantissa Function
    Sgn Function (Visual Basic)
vX: Real number whose exponent is returned. Function returns Null if vX is Null or cannot be fixed up to a number.
Note: The sign of the result depends upon whether vX is less than, equal to, or greater than 1 (one).

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