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Skew Excel Function
Math Statistics Class

Public Function SkewExcel( _
    ParamArray vValues() As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Returns the skewness of a distribution, as defined by Microsoft Excel.
The skewness characterizes the degree of asymmetry of a distribution around its mean.

    SkewExcel(12, 34, 56) = 0
    SkewExcel(12, 34, 78) = 0.935219529582824
    SkewExcel(SampleData) = 0.369981667557386
See also:
    SkewExcelArray Function
    Skew Function
    KurtosisExcel Function
    StandardDeviation Function
    StandardDeviationPopulation Function
    Variance Function
    VariancePopulation Function
    Average Function
    StatVarType Property
    SKEW Function (Microsoft Excel)
vValues: The values that are to be processed. Can be numbers, one-dimensional numeric arrays, one-dimensional Variant arrays, one-dimensional Variant arrays with embedded arrays, or any combination of these. The current setting of the StatVarType Property determines which numeric data types are recognized by this function.
Return value: Function returns the skewness of the numeric values. Function returns Null if there are fewer than three numeric values.

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