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Matrix Property
Sparse Array Class

Public Property Get Matrix( _
      ByVal vDim1 As Long _
    , ByVal vDim2 As Long _
    ) As Variant

Get the Value of an element when using the SparseArray as a two-dimensional array. (A two-dimensional array is known as a Matrix within Entisoft Tools.)

       Dim saTemp As New SparseArray
       saTemp.Matrix(23, 45) = "SubName"
    for example
       saTemp.Matrix(23, 45) = "SubName"
       saTemp.Matrix(24, 45) = EmptyValue
vDim1: First-dimension element number.
vDim2: Second-dimension element number.
Return value: Function returns the value for the specified element. If array element (vDim1, vDim2) was not previously set, this function will return an Empty value.
v1.3 BugFix: This Property Get Function has been fixed to support the retrieval of Object and DataObject type Values.

Public Property Let Matrix( _
      ByVal vDim1 As Long _
    , ByVal vDim2 As Long _
    , ByVal vValue As Variant _

Set the Value of an element when using the SparseArray as a two-dimensional array.

       Dim saTemp As New SparseArray
    for example
       saTemp.Matrix(23, 45) = "SubName"
       saTemp.Matrix(23, 45) = "SubName"
vDim1: First-dimension element number.
vDim2: Second-dimension element number.
vValue: Value to which element number (vDim1, vDim2) will be set. vValue can be any type of Variant value (vbString, numeric, vbDate, vbArray, etc.) except an Object or DataObject.
v1.3 BugFix: The corresponding Property Set Subroutine supports the storage of Object and DataObject type Values.

Public Property Set Matrix( _
      ByVal vDim1 As Long _
    , ByVal vDim2 As Long _
    , ByVal vValue As Variant _

Set the Value of an element when using the SparseArray as a two-dimensional array.

       Dim saTemp As New SparseArray
       Dim objTemp As Object
       Set objTemp = Nothing
    for example
       Set saTemp.Matrix(23, 45) = objTemp
vDim1: First-dimension element number.
vDim2: Second-dimension element number.
vValue: Object or DataObject value to which element number (vDim1, vDim2) will be set.
v1.3 BugFix: This new Property Set Subroutine has been added to support the storage of Object and DataObject type Values.

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