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Strip Matching Begin Line Fast Verify Sub
String Replacements Class

Private Sub StripMatchingBeginLineFastVerify()
    'Test the StripMatchingBeginLineFast function.

    Debug.Assert StripMatchingBeginLineFast("Abc", "", vbBinaryCompare) = "Abc" ' Behavior #1

    Debug.Assert StripMatchingBeginLineFast("AbcDefAbc", "Abc", vbBinaryCompare) = "DefAbc" ' Behavior #2
    Debug.Assert StripMatchingBeginLineFast("AbcDefAbc", "ABC", vbBinaryCompare) = "AbcDefAbc"
    Debug.Assert StripMatchingBeginLineFast("AbcDefAbc", "Abc", vbTextCompare) = "DefAbc"
    Debug.Assert StripMatchingBeginLineFast("AbcDefAbc", "ABC", vbTextCompare) = "DefAbc"

    Debug.Assert StripMatchingBeginLineFast("AbcDefGhi", "Abc", vbBinaryCompare) = "DefGhi" ' General Behavior
    Debug.Assert StripMatchingBeginLineFast("AbcDefGhi", "Def", vbBinaryCompare) = "AbcDefGhi"
    Debug.Assert StripMatchingBeginLineFast("AbcDefGhi", "Ghi", vbBinaryCompare) = "AbcDefGhi"

End Sub

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