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First Non Upper Case Forward Function
String Searches Class

Public Function FirstNonUpperCaseForward( _
    ByVal vLine As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Return the string vLine starting with the first non-upper-case character.
Skips all of the characters in vLine up to the first non-upper-case character.
Uses the Visual Basic LCase$() function and not the built-in character classification routines.

    FirstNonUpperCaseForward("ABCsample") = "sample"
    FirstNonUpperCaseForward("ABC123") = "123"
See also:
    FirstUpperCaseForward Function
    FirstNonLowerCaseForward Function
vLine: The string whose leading upper-case characters are to be skipped. Function returns Null if vLine is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.

Function returns an empty string if vLine contains only upper-case characters.

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