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Get Token Fast Function
String Searches Class

Public Function GetTokenFast( _
      ByRef rValue As String _
    , ByVal vTokenSep As String _
    , ByVal vCompare As VbCompareMethod _
    ) As String

Remove the first token from the argument and return the token.
The tokens are separated by the string vTokenSep.
Faster version of the GetToken function which has restrictive argument types to avoid argument fix up overhead.

       Dim S As String
       S = "First,Second,Third"
    for example
       GetTokenFast(S, ",", vbBinaryCompare) = "First"
       S = "Second,Third"
See also:
    GetToken Function
    GetTokenCharSeps Function
    GetTokenAlphanumeric Function
    GetTokenNonSpace Function
    GetVBToken Function
    GetOpt Function
    strtok Function
    GetTokenFastSample Subroutine
rValue: The string containing the tokens of which the first is to be removed and returned.
vTokenSep: The string which separates the tokens within string rValue. If the token separator vTokenSep is an empty string, then the string rValue is considered to consist of a single token.

vCompare: Specifies the type of comparison used to determine if the token separator string vTokenSep appears within the string rValue.

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