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Compare Property
Symbol Table Class

Public Property Get Compare( _
    ) As VbCompareMethod

Get the current value of the Compare property.
Specifies the type of comparisons used to determine if String Names match.

       Dim stTemp As New SymbolTable
       stTemp.Compare = vbBinaryCompare
See also:
    vbBinaryCompare Property, et. al.
    dbSortArabic Property, et. al.

Public Property Let Compare( _
    ByVal vCompare As VbCompareMethod _

Set the current value of the Compare property.

vCompare: Type of comparisons used to determine if String Names match. Should be vbBinaryCompare, vbTextCompare, or one Sort Order constants like dbSortArabic.
Note: The Compare Property defaults to Binary comparisons when new instances of this Class are created.

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