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Name Property
Symbol Table Class

Public Property Get Name( _
    ByVal vElement As Long _
    ) As Variant

Get the Name Property for some Symbol Table definition.

       Dim stTemp As New SymbolTable
       stTemp.Add "SubName", 23
       stTemp.Name(1) = "SubName"
See also:
    Value Property
    Count Property
vElement: Number of the Symbol Table definition whose Name will be returned. vElement must be between 1 and Count or this Property will return an Empty value.

Public Property Let Name( _
      ByVal vElement As Long _
    , ByVal vName As Variant _

Change the Name Property for some Symbol Table definition.

       Dim stTemp As New SymbolTable
       stTemp.Add "SubName", 23
    for example
       stTemp.Name(1) = "FunctionName"
       stTemp.Name(1) = "FunctionName"
vElement: Number of the Symbol Table definition whose Name will be changed. vElement must be between 1 and Count or this Property assignment will silently do nothing.
vName: The new String or numeric Name for the Symbol Table definition.

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