estConvertperforms measurement conversions given a numeric measurement, the units of that measurement, and the desired units for the result. For example, estConvert(5, "feet", "meters") converts 5 feet into meters, returning 1.524.
estConvertSpecialperforms measurement conversions to and/or from multiple related units, as well as supporting fractional numbers and the rounding of results. For example, estConvertSpecial("5' 11 13/16""", "m", "", 1000, False) converts 5 feet 11 13/16 inches into meters, returning 1.824.
estConvertStringperforms similar conversions given a string describing the conversion to be performed. For example, estConvertString("5 feet to meters") performs the same conversion as in the above example.
estConvertEnumerateenumerates the units represented by an expression. For example, estConvertEnumerate("KW*hr") returns "kilowatt*hour".
estConvertFindCategorydetermines the physical measurement represented by an expression. For example, estConvertFindCategory("KW*hr") returns "energy".
estConvertCheckperforms several consistency checks of the currently-defined measurements and prefixes.
estConvertLoadMultipleLinesloads the unit definitions, prefix definitions, global text definitions, and data files specified by the argument.
estConvertAddUnitregisters a new conversion factor which Entisoft Units can use within conversion calculations. For example, estConvertAddUnit("in", "inches", 1/12, "foot", "length") defines a unit of length named "inches" with identifier "in" as 1/12 of a foot.
estConvertAddPrefixregisters a new prefix which Entisoft Units can use within conversion calculations. For example, estConvertAddPrefix("m", "mega", 1000000) adds the prefix "mega" identified by "m" as 1,000,000 (10^6).
estConvertAddReplacementregisters a new text string replacement which Entisoft Units will attempt to apply during each conversion calculation. For example, estConvertAddReplacement("inch", "in", 0) adds the synonym "inch" which is replaced everywhere that it occurs within expressions by "in".
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