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Unit Category Unknown Test Function
Units Class

Function UnitCategoryUnknownTest( _
    ) As Integer
    ' Review all unit definitions whose user-specified Category is "unkown" and see their actual/calculated Category
    ' is known.

    Const strFn = "UnitCategoryUnkownTest"
    Debug.Print strFn & ": Info: Begin " & Time

    ' Assume that the definitions are valid; will reset return value to False when
    ' and if errors are found in the definitions.
    UnitCategoryUnknownTest = True


    Dim lngCurUnit As Long
    For lngCurUnit = 1 To GetUnitCount
        Dim strUniCode As String
        Dim strUniCat As String
        Dim strUniType As String
        Dim varIgn As Variant

        If Not GetUnit(lngCurUnit, strUniCode, varIgn, varIgn, varIgn, varIgn, varIgn, strUniCat, strUniType) Then
            UnitCategoryUnknownTest = False
            Exit Function
        End If

        ' User-specified Category must be "unknown"
        If StrComp(strUniCat, "unknown", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
            ' Unit must not be a Synonym-type definition.
            If StrComp(strUniType, TypeSynonym, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
                Dim strcat As String
                strcat = FindCategory(strUniCode)
                ' Display actual/calculated Category if it is not "unknown"
                If StrComp(strcat, "unknown", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
                    Debug.Print strFn & ": Note: " & strUniCode & " category is " & strcat
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next lngCurUnit

    Debug.Print strFn & ": Info: End " & Time
End Function

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