Public Sub VBLineNumbersRemoveSample() 'See also: ' VBLineNumbersRemove Function ' VBUtilitiesSample Subroutine Const strFn = "VBLineNumbersRemoveSample" Dim strInFile As String strInFile = InputBox("Input file: ({Esc} cancels.)", strFn, "\Entisoft\Tools\Samples.Txt") If Len(strInFile) = 0 Then Exit Sub Dim strOutFile As String strOutFile = GetTempFileName(Null, strFn) strOutFile = InputBox("Output file: (FILE WILL BE OVERWRITTEN; {Esc} cancels.)", strFn, strOutFile) If Len(strOutFile) = 0 Then Exit Sub Dim intOutdentNonProgLines As Integer Select Case MsgBox("Outdent non-program lines before adding line numbers? (i.e. has this file already had line numbers added to it with the ""indent non-program lines"" option?)", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton2, strFn) Case vbYes intOutdentNonProgLines = True Case vbNo intOutdentNonProgLines = False Case vbCancel Exit Sub Case Else Stop End Select MsgBox "Return = " & VBLineNumbersRemove( _ vInFile:=strInFile, _ vOutFile:=strOutFile, _ vOutdentNonProgLines:=intOutdentNonProgLines _ ) & " (True means success; False means failure.)", vbInformation, strFn End Sub
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