Public Sub VBObjectBrowserInfoAddSample() 'See also: ' VBObjectBrowserInfoAdd Function ' VBUtilitiesSample Subroutine Const strFn = "VBObjectBrowserInfoAddSample" Dim strInFiles As String strInFiles = InputBox("Read Visual Basic 4.0 Modules: (Wildcards allowed; {Esc} cancels.)", strFn, "\Entisoft\Tools\*.Cls") If Len(strInFiles) = 0 Then Exit Sub Dim strOutDirectory As String strOutDirectory = GetTempFileName(Null, strFn) strOutDirectory = InputBox("Destination directory: (ANY FILE WITH THIS NAME WILL BE DELETED; FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY WITH THE SAME NAMES AS INPUT FILES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN AND/OR REPLACED; {Esc} cancels.)", strFn, strOutDirectory) If Len(strOutDirectory) = 0 Then Exit Sub If Len(Dir$(strOutDirectory)) Then Kill strOutDirectory Dim strMaxHelpLength As String strMaxHelpLength = InputBox("Maximum length of each help text? ({Esc} cancels.)", strFn, "256") If Len(strMaxHelpLength) = 0 Then Exit Sub Dim intKeepBackup As Integer Select Case MsgBox("Retain backup of any overwritten files within the Windows Temporary directory?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton1, strFn) Case vbYes intKeepBackup = True Case vbNo intKeepBackup = False Case vbCancel Exit Sub Case Else Stop End Select MsgBox "Return = " & VBObjectBrowserInfoAdd( _ vInFiles:=strInFiles, _ vOutDirectory:=strOutDirectory, _ vMaxHelpLength:=strMaxHelpLength, _ vKeepBackup:=intKeepBackup _ ) & " (True means success; False means failure.)", vbInformation, strFn End Sub
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