Math Trig Complex Class

Entisoft Tools 2.0 Object Library
Version 2.1 Build 208
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Declarations Section, ATan2 Function, ACot2 Function, ARG Function, Exponent Function, Exp10 Function, Logarithm Function, Log10 Function, LogBaseN Function, PhaseAngle Function, PolarToRectangular Function, RectangularToPolar Function, Sine Function, Cosine Function, Tangent Function, Cotangent Function, Secant Function, Cosecant Function, ASin Function, ACos Function, ATAN Function, ACot Function, ASec Function, ACsc Function, SinH Function, CosH Function, TanH Function, CotH Function, SecH Function, CscH Function, ASinH Function, ACosH Function, ATanH Function, ACotH Function, ASecH Function, ACscH Function, TrigonometryBenchmark Sub

Declarations Section
A Tan 2 Function
Angle of the point (X, Y) where X and Y are real numbers. The point is expressed in rectangular coordinates. Function returns an angle in radians that is between -Pi/2 and Pi/2.
A Cot 2 Function
Angle of the point (X, Y) where X and Y are real numbers. The point is expressed in rectangular coordinates. Function returns an angle in radians that is between -Pi/2 and Pi/2.
ARG Function
"Argument" Returns the polar angle of a rectangular coordinate pair represented by a complex number.
Exponent Function
e to the power of X for a real or complex number.
Exp 10 Function
"Exponent Base 10" Common antilogarithm. Ten (10) to the power of X where X is a real or complex number.
Logarithm Function
Natural logarithm of a complex or real number.
Log 10 Function
"Logarithm Base 10" Log base-10 of X for a real or complex number.
Log Base N Function
"Logarithm Base N" Log base Y of X for a real or complex number.
Phase Angle Function
"Phase Angle" Returns the phase angle of a rectangular coordinate pair represented by a complex number.
Polar To Rectangular Function
"Polar Coordinates To Rectangular" Polar to rectangular conversion. Convert two-dimensional polar coordinates (expressed in radians) to rectangular coordinates.
Rectangular To Polar Function
"Rectangular Coordinates To Polar" Rectangular to polar conversion. Convert two-dimensional rectangular coordinates to polar measurements (expressed in radians).
Sine Function
Sine of a real or complex number. Inverse of the ASin function.
Cosine Function
Cosine of a complex or real number. Inverse of the ACos function.
Tangent Function
Tangent of a complex or real number. Inverse of the ATan function.
Cotangent Function
"Cotangent" Cotangent of a complex or real number. Inverse of the ACot function.
Secant Function
"Secant" Secant of a complex or real number. Inverse of the ASec function.
Cosecant Function
"Cosecant" Cosecant of a complex or real number. Inverse of the ACsc function.
A Sin Function
"Inverse Sine" or "Arcsine" Angle whose sine is X. Inverse of the Sine function.
A Cos Function
"Inverse Cosine" or "Arccosine" Angle whose cosine is X. Inverse of the Cosine function.
ATAN Function
"Inverse Tangent" or "Arctangent" Angle whose tangent is X. Inverse of the Tangent function.
A Cot Function
"Inverse Cotangent" or "Arccotangent" Angle whose cotangent is X. Inverse of the Cotangent function.
A Sec Function
"Inverse Secant" or "Arcsecant" Angle whose secant is X. Inverse of the Secant function.
A Csc Function
"Inverse Cosecant" or "Arccosecant" Angle whose cosecant is X. Inverse of the Cosecant function.
Sin H Function
"Hyperbolic Sine" Hyperbolic sine of a real or complex number. Inverse of the ASinH function.
Cos H Function
"Hyperbolic Cosine" Hyperbolic cosine of a real or complex number. Inverse of the ACosH function.
Tan H Function
"Hyperbolic Tangent" Hyperbolic tangent of a real or complex number. Inverse of the ATanH function.
Cot H Function
"Hyperbolic Cotangent" Hyperbolic cotangent of a real or complex number. Inverse of the ACotH function.
Sec H Function
"Hyperbolic Secant" Hyperbolic secant of a real or complex number. Inverse of the ASecH function.
Csc H Function
"Hyperbolic Cosecant" Hyperbolic cosecant of a real or complex number. Inverse of the ACscH function.
A Sin H Function
"Inverse Hyperbolic Sine" Angle whose hyperbolic sine is X. Inverse of the SinH function.
A Cos H Function
"Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine" Angle whose hyperbolic cosine is X. Inverse of the CosH function.
A Tan H Function
"Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent" Angle whose hyperbolic tangent is X. Inverse of the TanH function.
A Cot H Function
"Inverse Hyperbolic Cotangent" Angle whose hyperbolic cotangent is X. Inverse of the CotH function.
A Sec H Function
"Inverse Hyperbolic Secant" Angle whose hyperbolic secant is X. Inverse of the SecH function.
A Csc H Function
"Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant" Angle whose hyperbolic cosecant is X. Inverse of the CscH function.
Trigonometry Benchmark Sub
Run a benchmark of many of the trigonometric routines.

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