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Minus Equal Fn Function
Basic Extensions Class

Public Function MinusEqualFn( _
      ByRef rLeft As Variant _
    , ByVal vRight As Variant _
    ) As Variant

"Minus Equals" or "Assign And Return Subtraction"
Subtract vRight from rLeft, assign the result back into rLeft, and also return that value.
Similar to the C language "-=" assignment operator in the case where that assignment is treated as an expression.

       Dim dblValue As Double
       dblValue = 2.5
    for example
       MinusEqualFn(dblValue, 2) = .5
       dblValue = .5
See also:
    MinusEqual Subroutine
    Subtract Function
    PlusEqualFn Function
    TimesEqualFn Function
    DivideEqualFn Function
Definition (Visual Basic):
    MinusEqualFn = rLeft - vRight
    rLeft = rLeft - vRight
Definition (C):
    #define MinusEqualFn(rLeft, vRight) (rLeft -= vRight)
rLeft: Numeric or date value from which vRight is subtracted. The result of the subtraction is assigned back into the variable passed via rLeft (unless that value happens to be passed-by-value) and the result is also returned.
vRight: The numeric value that is subtracted from rLeft.

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