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Min 2 Equal Fast Sub
Comparisons Class

Public Sub Min2EqualFast( _
      ByRef rOne As Variant _
    , ByVal vTwo As Variant _

"Minimum Equal (Fast)" or "Assign Minimum (Fast)"
Assign the leftmost argument rOne to the minimum value of the two arguments.
Shorthand for rOne = Min(rOne, vTwo)

       Dim lngMin As Long
       lngMin = 45
    for example
       Min2EqualFast lngMin, 30
       lngMin = 30
See also:
    Max2EqualFast Function
    Min2 Function
rOne: Argument which is set to the minimum value of the two arguments.
vTwo: Value which will replace rOne if vTwo is less than rOne.
Note: This function performs numeric comparisons if both arguments are numeric, and it performs Binary comparisons if both arguments are string.

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