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Max 2 Complex Function
Math Complex Class

Public Function Max2Complex( _
      ByVal vX As Variant _
    , ByVal vY As Variant _
    ) As Variant

"Maximum Of Two Numbers"
Maximum of two real and/or complex numbers.
Returns argument on left (vX) if the arguments are equal real numbers.

    Max2Complex(2, 3) = 3
    Max2Complex(2, "3.4|4.5") = "5.05637433358964|2.25"
    Max2Complex("4.6|3.2", "3.4|4.5") = "4.88459030064771|3.85"
See also:
    Max2Variant Function
    Max3Complex Function
    Min2Complex Function
Note: This function supports three-valued logic, but it does not support string arguments.

vX: First of two numeric arguments, the maximum of which will be returned. Function returns Null if vX is Null or cannot be fixed up to a real or complex number (as defined by the ComplexStringToReals function). Complex numbers are represented within strings as "R|I" where R is the real part and I is the imaginary part.

vY: Second of two numeric arguments, the maximum of which will be returned. Function returns Null if vY is Null or cannot be fixed up to a real or complex number.

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