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Log Normal Inverse Function
Math Probability Class

Public Function LogNormalInverse( _
      ByVal vProbability As Variant _
    , Optional ByVal vMean As Variant = 0# _
    , Optional ByVal vStdDev As Variant = 1# _
    ) As Variant

Inverse Lognormal Cumulative Distribution Function

See also:
    LogNormalCDF Function
    LogNormalRandom Function
    LogNormalPDF Function
    Declarations Topic
    LOGINV Function (Microsoft Excel)
vProbability: Function returns Null if vProbability is not between 0 and 1 inclusive.
vMean: Mean of the distribution. Function returns Null if vMean cannot be fixed up to a Double precision floating point number. Argument defaults to a value of zero (0) if it is missing.
vStdDev: Standard deviation of the distribution. Function returns Null if vStdDev is less than or equal to zero (<=0). Argument defaults to a value of one (1) if it is missing.

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