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Standard Deviation Population Array Function
Math Statistics Class

Public Function StandardDeviationPopulationArray( _
    ByRef vValues As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Population standard deviation of numeric values.
More efficient version of the StandardDeviationPopulation Function but with restrictions on the arguments it accepts.

    StandardDeviationPopulationArray(Array(12, 34, 56)) = 17.96292478041
    StandardDeviationPopulationArray(SampleData) = 23.610026786078
See also:
    StandardDeviationPopulation Function
    StandardDeviationArray Function
    VariancePopulationArray Function
    AverageDeviationArray Function
    DeviationsSquaredArray Function
    STDEVP Function (Microsoft Excel)
    STDEVPA Function (Microsoft Excel)
vValues: Numeric-type array or Variant array containing only numeric elements. This function is NOT affected by the current setting of the StatVarType Property. It assumes that vValues is an array that contains only numeric elements.
Return value: Function returns the population standard deviation of the numeric values. Function returns Null if the array is empty, or if there is some type of error, such as if the argument is a Variant array which contains an Object reference or String.
v1.5 Note: StandardDeviationArray and StandardDeviationPopulationArray replace the StandardDeviationVariantVector function, which has been removed from ArrayArithmetic Class. This function is slightly different in that it examines all of the elements in the array from its lower bound through its upper bound.

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