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Standard Error Function
Math Statistics Class

Public Function StandardError( _
      ByRef vYValues As Variant _
    , ByRef vXValues As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Returns the standard error of the Y value for each X value in the linear regression.

    StandardError(Array(1, 3, 4), Array(2, 6, 9)) = 0.232495277487638
    StandardError(Array(11, 44, 22), Array(15, 23, 12)) = 13.4258175661517
See also:
    Slope Function
    Intercept Function
    Forecast Function
    Pearson Function
    RSquared Function
    STEYX Function (Microsoft Excel)
vYValues: Dependent set of data. Numeric-type array or Variant array containing only numeric elements. This function is NOT affected by the current setting of the StatVarType Property. It assumes that vYValues is an array that contains only numeric elements.
vXValues: Independent set of data. Numeric-type array or Variant array containing only numeric elements. This function assumes that vXValues is an array that contains only numeric elements.
Return value: Function returns the standard error of the Y value for each X value in the linear regression. Function returns Null if the arrays vYValues and vXValues contain a different number of elements, if both arrays are empty, or if there is some type of error, such as if the argument is a Variant array which contains an Object reference or String.

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