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Spell Currency Sample Sub
Spellings Class

Private Sub SpellCurrencySample()
    ' Samples the SpellCurrency function by writing a bunch of sample amounts into the Immediate Window.

    Dim varTest As Currency
    varTest = -123456789123456.78@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -12345678912345.67@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -1234567891234.56@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -123456789123.45@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -12345678912.34@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -1234567891.23@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -123456789.12@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -12345678.91@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -1234567.89@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -123456.78@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -12345.67@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -1234.56@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -123.45@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -12.34@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -1.23@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -0.12@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = -0.01@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 0.01@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 0.12@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 1.23@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 12.34@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 123.45@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 1234.56@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 12345.67@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 123456.78@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 1234567.89@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 12345678.91@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 123456789.12@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 1234567891.23@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 12345678912.34@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 123456789123.45@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 1234567891234.56@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 12345678912345.67@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    varTest = 123456789123456.78@: GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample

    ' Generate numbers 1, 10, 100, 1,000, .... 1E25
    Dim Expon As Integer
    For Expon = 0 To 25
        varTest = 10# ^ CDbl(Expon)
        GoSub One_SpellCurrencySample
    Next Expon

    Exit Sub

    Debug.Print " " + Format$(varTest, "####,###,###,###,##0.0000") + ": " + SpellCurrency(varTest, Null)
End Sub

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