Public Function HexadecimalHiLoStringsToString( _ ByVal vBase16Hi As Variant _ , ByVal vBase16Lo As Variant _ ) As String
HexadecimalHiLoStringsToString("44", "12") = "AB"See also:
HexadecimalPairsToString Function StringToHexadecimalPairs Function Hex$ Function (Visual Basic)The two strings "44" and "12" would be converted to "AB" after being converted to 4142".
vBase16Hi: String containing the high-order (most-significant-digit) of the hexadecimal number representing each character. Function returns Null if vBase16Hi is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.
vBase16Lo: String containing the low-order (least-significant-digit) of the hexadecimal number. Function returns Null if vBase16Lo is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.
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