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Hexadecimal Pairs To String Function
String Numerics Class

Public Function HexadecimalPairsToString( _
    ByVal vHex As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Converts a string in which each pair of characters represents an ASCII value into the string of characters with those ASCII values.
Inverse of the StringToHexadecimalPairs function.

    HexadecimalPairsToString("4142") = "AB"
See also:
    HexadecimalHiLoStringsToString Function
    StringToHexadecimalPairs Function
    Hex$ Function (Visual Basic)
Note: This function is useful for interpreting the hexadecimal-printable-representation of strings that contain non-printable characters. Strings are encoded with the StringToHexadecimalPairs function and decoded with this function.

vHex: String in which each pair of characters represents the hexadecimal ASCII value of a character. Function returns Null if vHex is Null or cannot be fixed up to a String.

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