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A Cot Function
Math Trig Complex Class

Public Function ACot( _
    ByVal vX As Variant _
    ) As Variant

"Inverse Cotangent" or "Arccotangent"
Angle whose cotangent is X.
Inverse of the Cotangent function.

    ACot(-0.5) = 2.0344439357957
    ACot(0) = 1.5707963267949
    ACot(0.5) = 1.10714871779409
    ACot(1) = 0.785398163397448
    ACot(1.5) = 0.588002603547568
    ACot(2) = 0.463647609000806
    ACot(2.5) = 0.380506377112365
    ACot(3) = 0.321750554396642
    ACot(3.5) = 0.278299659005111
    ACot(10) = 9.96686524911619E-02
    ACot("2.3|-4.5") = "9.26493711202965E-02|0.176543708945617"
See also:
    Tangent Function
    ATan Function
    ASec Function
    ACsc Function
    ATanH Function
    Arccotan Function
vX: Function returns the principal value of the angle whose cotangent (expressed in radians) is vX. Function returns Null if vX is Null or cannot be fixed up to a real or complex number (as defined by the ComplexStringToReals function). Complex numbers are represented within strings as "R|I" where R is the real part and I is the imaginary part.
Note: Microsoft named this function Arccotan within their Derived Math Function help topic.

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