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Cotangent Function
Math Trig Complex Class

Public Function Cotangent( _
    ByVal vX As Variant _
    ) As Variant

Cotangent of a complex or real number.
Inverse of the ACot function.

    Cotangent(-0.5) = -1.83048772171245
    IsNull(Cotangent(0)) = True
    Cotangent(0.5) = 1.83048772171245
    Cotangent(1) = 0.642092615934331
    Cotangent(1.5) = 7.09148443026524E-02
    Cotangent(2) = -0.457657554360286
    Cotangent(2.5) = -1.33864812830415
    Cotangent(3) = -7.01525255143453
    Cotangent(3.5) = 2.66961648496887
    Cotangent("2.3|-4.5") = "-2.45255631397247E-04|0.999972288864796"
See also:
    Tangent Function
    Secant Function
    Cosecant Function
    ATan Function
    TanH Function
    Cotan Function
vX: Number whose cotangent is returned. Function returns Null if vX is Null or cannot be fixed up to a real or complex number (as defined by the ComplexStringToReals function). Complex numbers are represented within strings as "R|I" where R is the real part and I is the imaginary part.
Return: The result is expressed in radians.
Note: Microsoft named this function Cotan within their Derived Math Function help topic.

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