See also:
StringWords Class CharacterArrays Class SortOrders Class StringExtras ClassASCIIValueConstants Enum: Global Constants of US ASCII values for certain characters, etc.
CharacterTypes Class GlobalConstants ClassAscAmpersand: US ASCII value of the ampersand ("&") character.
Chr$(AscAmpersand) = "&"AscApostrophe: US ASCII value of the apostrophe ("'") character.
Chr$(AscApostrophe) = "'"AscAsterisk: US ASCII value of the asterisk ("*") character.
Chr$(AscAsterisk) = "*"AscAt: US ASCII value of the at-sign ("@") character.
Chr$(AscAt) = "@"AscBackquote: US ASCII value of the back-quote ("`") character.
Chr$(AscBackquote) = "`"AscBackslash: US ASCII value of the back-slash ("\") character.
Chr$(AscBackslash) = "\"AscBackspace: US ASCII value of the backspace ({Ctrl}+H) character.
Chr$(AscBackspace) = Chr$(8)AscCaret: US ASCII value of the up-caret ("^") character.
Chr$(AscCaret) = "^"AscColon: US ASCII value of the colon (":") character.
Chr$(AscColon) = ":"AscComma: US ASCII value of the comma (",") character.
Chr$(AscComma) = ","AscCR: "ASCII Carriage Return"
Chr$(AscCR) = Chr$(13) = vbCrSee also:
AscLF Property vbCr PropertyAscDegrees: US ASCII value of the temperature degrees symbol.
Chr$(AscDegrees) = Chr$(176)AscDollarSign: US ASCII value of the dollar sign ("$") character.
Chr$(AscDollarSign) = "$"AscDoubleQuote: US ASCII value of the double-quote ('"') character.
Chr$(AscDoubleQuote) = """"AscEOF: "ASCII End Of File"
AscEOF = -1AscEquals: US ASCII value of the equal sign ("=") character.
Chr$(AscEquals) = "="AscEscape: US ASCII value of the Escape key.
Chr$(AscEscape) = Chr$(27)AscExclamation: US ASCII value of the exclamation point ("!") (exclamation sign) character.
Chr$(AscExclamation) = "!"AscGreaterThan: US ASCII value of the greater-than sign (">") character.
Chr$(AscGreaterThan) = ">"AscLeftBrace: US ASCII value of the left brace ("{") character.
Chr$(AscLeftBrace) = "{"AscLeftBracket: US ASCII value of the left bracket ("[") character.
Chr$(AscLeftBracket) = "["AscLeftParen: "ASCII Left Parenthesis"
Chr$(AscLeftParen) = "("AscLowerCaseA: US ASCII value of the lower-case letter "a"
Chr$(AscLowerCaseA) = "a"AscLowerCaseF: US ASCII value of the lower-case letter "f"
Chr$(AscLowerCaseF) = "f"AscLowerCaseZ: US ASCII value of the lower-case letter "z"
Chr$(AscLowerCaseZ) = "z"AscLessThan: US ASCII value of the less-than sign ("<") character.
Chr$(AscLessThan) = "<"AscLF: "ASCII Line Feed"
Chr$(AscLF) = Chr$(10) = vbLfSee also:
AscCR Property vbLf PropertyAscMinus: US ASCII value of the minus sign ("-") character.
Chr$(AscMinus) = "-"AscNil: US ASCII value of the nil (Chr$(0)) character.
Chr$(AscNil) = Chr$(0)See also:
vbNullChar PropertyAscNine: US ASCII value of the character representing the number nine ("9").
Chr$(AscNine) = "9"AscNumberSign: US ASCII value of the number sign ("#") character.
Chr$(AscNumberSign) = "#"AscOne: US ASCII value of the character representing the number one ("1").
Chr$(AscOne) = "1"AscPercent: US ASCII value of the percent sign ("%") character.
Chr$(AscPercent) = "%"AscPeriod: US ASCII value of the period (".") character.
Chr$(AscPeriod) = "."AscPlus: US ASCII value of the plus sign ("+") character.
Chr$(AscPlus) = "+"AscQuestionMark: US ASCII value of the question mark ("?") character.
Chr$(AscQuestionMark) = "?"AscRightBrace: US ASCII value of the right brace ("}") character.
Chr$(AscRightBrace) = "}"AscRightBracket: US ASCII value of the right bracket ("]") character.
Chr$(AscRightBracket) = "]"AscRightParen: "ASCII Right Parenthesis"
Chr$(AscRightParen) = ")"AscSemicolon: US ASCII value of the right semi-colon (";") character.
Chr$(AscSemicolon) = ";"AscSlash: US ASCII value of the slash ("/") character.
Chr$(AscSlash) = "/"AscSpace: US ASCII value of the space (" ") character.
Chr$(AscSpace) = " "AscTab: US ASCII value of the tab ({Ctrl}+I) character.
Chr$(AscTab) = Chr$(9)See also:
vbTab PropertyAscTilde: US ASCII value of the tilde ("~") character.
Chr$(AscTilde) = "~"AscUnderline: US ASCII value of the underline ("_") character.
Chr$(AscUnderline) = "_"AscUpperCaseA: US ASCII value of the upper-case letter "A"
Chr$(AscUpperCaseA) = "A"AscUpperCaseF: US ASCII value of the upper-case letter "F"
Chr$(AscUpperCaseF) = "F"AscUpperCaseZ: US ASCII value of the upper-case letter "Z"
Chr$(AscUpperCaseZ) = "Z"AscVerticalBar: US ASCII value of the vertical-bar ("|") character.
Chr$(AscVerticalBar) = "|"AscZero: US ASCII value of the character representing the number zero ("0").
Chr$(AscZero) = "0"CharacterTypeConstants Enum: Constants for the character classifications recognized by the functions like IsAlpha and IsDigit.
CharTypeAlNum: "Character Type Alphanumeric"
Property whose value represents alphanumeric (alphabetic and numeric) characters ("0"..."9", "A"..."Z", "a"..."z", accented alphabetic characters, etc.) in calls to functions like EveryCharacterOfType.
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeAlNum) = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"Note: Example would also include some accented characters not shown here.
IsAlNum Function CharTypeAlpha Property CharTypeDigit Property EveryCharacterOfType FunctionDefinition: ctCharTypeDigit Or ctCharTypeAlpha
CharTypeAlpha: "Character Type Alphabetic"
Property whose value represents alphabetic characters ("A"..."Z", "a"..."z", accented alphabetic characters, etc.) in calls to functions like EveryCharacterOfType.
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeAlpha) = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"Note: Example would also include some accented characters not shown here.
IsAlpha Function CharTypeAlNum Property EveryCharacterOfType FunctionDefinition: ctCharTypeLower Or ctCharTypeUpper
CharTypeCarriage: "Character Type Carriage Control"
Property whose value represents carriage control type characters (carriage return, line feed, form feed, etc.) in calls to functions like EveryCharacterOfType.
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeCarriage) = Chr$(9) + Chr$(10) + Chr$(11) + Chr$(12) + Chr$(13)Character Codes:
VB Expr. Keyboard Meaning Chr$(9) Ctrl-I Tab Chr$(10) Ctrl-J Line Feed Chr$(11) Ctrl-K Horizontal Tab Chr$(12) Ctrl-L Form Feed Chr$(13) Ctrl-M Carriage ReturnSee also:
IsCarriage Function CharTypeCntrl Property EveryCharacterOfType FunctionCharTypeCntrl: "Character Type Control"
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeCntrl) = Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) + ....See also:
IsCntrl Function CharTypeCarriage Property EveryCharacterOfType FunctionDefinition: ctCharTypeControl Or ctCharTypeCarriage
CharTypeControl: "Character Type Control Non-Carriage"
Property whose value represents control characters (Control+A, Control+B, ..., Control+Z) which are NOT also carriage control characters in calls to functions like EveryCharacterOfType.
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeControl) = Chr$(0) + Chr$(1) + ....See also:
CharTypeCarriage Property CharTypeCntrl Property EveryCharacterOfType FunctionCharTypeDigit: "Character Type Numeric Digit"
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeDigit) = "0123456789"See also:
IsDigit Function CharTypeAlNum Property EveryCharacterOfType FunctionCharTypeGraph: "Character Type Graphical"
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeGraph) = "!""#$\%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"Note: Example would also include many characters not shown here.
IsGraph Function CharTypeAlNum Property CharTypePunctuation Property EveryCharacterOfType FunctionDefinition: ctCharTypeAlNum Or ctCharTypePunctuation
CharTypeHexadecimal: "Character Type Hexadecimal Digit"
Property whose value represents hexadecimal digit characters ("0", "1", "2", ... "9", "A"..."F", "a"..."f") in calls to functions like EveryCharacterOfType.
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeHexadecimal) = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"See also:
IsXDigit Function CharTypeDigit Property EveryCharacterOfType FunctionCharTypeHexDigit:
Definition: ctCharTypeLower Or ctCharTypeHexadecimal
Definition: ctCharTypeUpper Or ctCharTypeHexadecimal
CharTypeLower: "Character Type Lower Case Alphabetic"
Property whose value represents lower-case characters ("a"..."z", accented lower-case characters, etc.) in calls to functions like EveryCharacterOfType.
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeLower) = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"Note: Example would also include some accented characters not shown here.
IsLower Function CharTypeUpper Function CharTypeAlpha Function EveryCharacterOfType FunctionCharTypeNone: "Character Type None"
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeNone) = ""See also:
EveryCharacterOfType FunctionCharTypePrint: "Character Type Printable"
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypePrint) = " !""#$\%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"Note: Example would also include many characters not shown here.
IsPrint Function CharTypeGraph Function CharTypeWhitespace Function EveryCharacterOfType FunctionDefinition: ctCharTypeGraph Or ctCharTypeWhitespace
CharTypePunctuation: "Character Type Punctuation"
Property whose value represents punctuation/symbol characters (",", ".", ";", etc.) in calls to functions like EveryCharacterOfType.
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypePunctuation) = "!""#$\%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"Note: Example would also include many other characters not shown here.
IsPunct Function CharTypeGraph Function EveryCharacterOfType FunctionCharTypeSpace: "Character Type Space"
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeSpace) = Chr$(9) + Chr$(10) + Chr$(11) + Chr$(12) + Chr$(13) + Chr$(32) + Chr$(160)See also:
IsSpace Function CharTypeWhitespace Function EveryCharacterOfType FunctionDefinition: ctCharTypeCarriage Or ctCharTypeWhitespace
CharTypeUpper: "Character Type Upper Case Alphabetic"
Property whose value represents upper-case characters ("a"..."z", etc.) in calls to functions like EveryCharacterOfType.
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeUpper) = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"Note: Example would also include some accented characters not shown here.
IsUpper Function CharTypeLower Property CharTypeAlpha Function EveryCharacterOfType FunctionCharTypeWhitespace: "Character Type White Space"
EveryCharacterOfType(CharTypeWhitespace) = Chr$(32) + Chr$(160)See also:
IsSpace Function CharTypeSpace Function EveryCharacterOfType FunctionctCTYPE_ANSI, ctCTYPE_USASCII: Constants which define the classification of characters within specific character sets.
Character Type Codes: (See the CType Property)
"B" = Control character "C" = Carriage control character "D" = Numeric digit "L" = Lower-case character "M" = Lower-case and hexadecimal numeric character "N" = No classification "P" = Punctuation character "S" = Whitespace character "U" = Upper-case character "W" = Upper-case and hexadecimal numeric character "X" = Hexadecimal digitCharacterTable: These functions return strings containing formatted character tables. They can be printed in the Debug window, and they may be useful for testing other string functions.
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